Konferencija „Formate. Dizaino kuriama vertė“


LGDA kviečia į konferenciją „Formate. Dizaino kuriama vertė“

Gegužės 24 d. (ketvirtadienį) 18 val.
Vilniaus dailės akademijos Dizaino inovacijų centro, prof. Felikso Daukanto auditorijoje (112), Maironio g. 3, Vilnius

David Grossman | Israel
Past President of ico-D
Environmental graphic designer and partner of Daedalos Design Studio (Tel Aviv)
Partner of Israel Design Works
President of the Israel Community of Designers
Founder of Vital, Tel Aviv Center for Design Studies
Founder of the Graphic Design Department of Shenkar College in Israel

Johnathon Strebly | Canada
President Elect of ico-D
Director of Creative Services for HCMA Architecture + Design
Founder of brand strategy and communications agency The Notice Group
President of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC)
Past president of Canadian Association of Professional ImageCreators (CAPIC) Vancouver
Co-founder of CreativeMornings Vancouver

Rebecca Blake | United States
Treasurer of ico-D
Design Director at Optimum Design & Consulting
Advocacy Liaison for the Graphic Artists Guild
Past Member of Audit Committee for ico-D
Head of the National Design Policy workgroup for ico-D’s Professional Platform


Pranešimai anglų kalba

LGDA | Lietuvos grafinio dizaino asociacija
ico-D | International Council of Design

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